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Active Duty RX™ Independent qEEG


Active Duty RX™ set out to perform an independent study on 5 veteran participants. It uses Quantitative Electroencephalogram (QEEG) to measure brain activity before and one week of using the Clarity + Focus ES. The study aimed to evaluate improvements in cognitive functions like memory, attention, and stress management in individuals over a seven-day period.

The brain wave measurements (Delta, Theta, Alpha, and Beta) reflected improvements in relaxation, alertness, and stress handling, By analyzing changes in brainwave patterns, the study aimed to demonstrate whether the Clarity + Focus ES offered benefits to the participants.

The key findings showed significant improvements in cognitive efficiency, memory, and stress reduction among all 5 of the participants. For example, the average improvement across various cognitive functions was substantial, with cognitive efficiency improving by 60% and executive function by 61%. Stress levels decreased by 104%, a positive outcome.


What is qEEG?

Quantitative Electroencephalogram, more commonly referred to as a qEEG, helps us better understand and visualize fundamental cognitive issues. qEEG brain mapping is based upon well-established and vetted data-gathering techniques, which adhere to international locus standards and protocols. These standards correlate to cognitive functions. The data acquired is transmitted to a major western university for evaluation. The University evaluator returns the data in a visual representation known as a brain map.


How does it work?

A standardized NeuroMap QEEG Electro de Cap is fitted on the head of each participant; readings are taken after testing to ensure that all electrodes are reading properly. The cap is a component of a Clear Mind Neurofeedback system which was used to gather and transmit the data.Both left and right hemispheres are evaluated. Five (5) areas per hemisphere are evaluated for function.


Test Summary

Participants underwent two tests: a baseline QEEG (referred to as M1) before taking Active Duty RX™ Clarity + Focus ES and a follow-up QEEG (M2) after seven days of consistent use. The brain maps provided a window into how different brain regions were functioning and how cognitive abilities were affected over time.

Key Findings: Cognitive Improvement and Stress Reduction
The results of the study were overwhelmingly positive. Across several key cognitive functions, participants demonstrated significant improvements after just seven days of taking Active Duty Rx:

  • Cognitive Efficiency (how quickly and effectively the brain processes information) increased by 60%.

  • Executive Function (which includes decision-making, attention, and problem-solving) saw a 61% improvement.

  • Memory (short-term, working, and long-term) improved by 86%.

  • Stress Levels decreased by 104%, showing a notable reduction in participants' stress responses.

These improvements are crucial for individuals with who often experience heightened stress, memory problems, and difficulty focusing on tasks.


Clarity + Focus qEEG Test

Active Duty RX™ designed and developed Clarity + Focus with the intent to combat a variety of mental and emotional conditions. Curious to know if their product could achieve this goal, ADRX™ commissioned Dr. Twyla Wilson to conduct an independent quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) study in 2020. A qEEG test is a tool for measuring mental electrical activity using brain waves indicating different types of mental activity! Five veteran subjects volunteered for this study. The results revealed that just seven days of use might have contributed to the overall cognitive improvement. Using a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and herbs, Clarity + Focus is a powerhouse product that aims to support cognitive activity for optimum brain function without the adverse effects of some pharmaceuticals. 


Clarity + Focus qEEG Test - Follow Up

Master Sergeant James W. Johnson Jr. "JJ" follows up with Charles Pollock after the ADRX™ Independent Brain Study to discuss how Clarity + Focus has impacted Pollock's mental activity.

Download The Full Study

Want to explore the findings in detail? Download the full Active Duty RX™ Impact Study to your phone or tablet for comprehensive insights and results!

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